Trade Stats

24 Hour Price

$ 1.45

Increased by 5.6%

30 Day Volume

$ 2903

Increased by 5.4%

Total Holders


Increased by 0%

Proof of Assets

You can audit our proof of reserve online.

2.500 WNMC
2.500 NMC

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team and if you’re lucky someone will get back to you.

    • What is Wrapped Namecoin (WNMC)?

      WNMC is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain that represents Namecoin (WNMC) in a 1:1 ratio, allowing for the utilization of Namecoin in the Ethereum ecosystem.

    • How does WNMC work?

      WNMC is backed by an equivalent amount of Namecoin held in reserve by a network of custodians, ensuring a 1:1 peg. Users can wrap NMC to receive WNMC or unwrap WNMC to retrieve NMC.

    • What is the purpose of wrapping Namecoin?

      Wrapping Namecoin allows for interoperability, enabling users to utilize NMC in various Ethereum-based decentralized applications, smart contracts, and exchanges.

    • How can I use WNMC?

      With WNMC, you can participate in DeFi protocols, lending platforms, decentralized exchanges, and other Ethereum-based services, all while maintaining exposure to Namecoin's value.

    • Are there any fees associated with wrapping or unwrapping NMC to WNMC?

      Yes, each wrap or unwrap transaction typically involves a small fee to cover costs and maintain the Wrapped Namecoin system.

    • How can I get WNMC?

      You can obtain WNMC by wrapping your Namecoin using supported wrapping services or platforms. Check the official website or documentation for detailed instructions.

    • Is WNMC secure?

      WNMC utilizes the security of the Ethereum blockchain and employs a network of trusted custodians to safeguard the Namecoin reserves, ensuring the security of the Wrapped Namecoin system.

    • Can I redeem my WNMC for Namecoin?

      Yes, you can burn your WNMC tokens to unlock the equivalent amount of Namecoin from the reserves, allowing you to retrieve your Namecoin holdings.

    • Where can I find more information about Wrapped Namecoin?

      For more information, including supported platforms, wallets, and additional details, visit the official Wrapped Namecoin website or refer to the project's official documentation.